Farewell to Fall in Bavaria

in #photography7 years ago

"Winter is Coming." Let's slowly say farewell to autumn.

The air is crisp and clear, flowers are still in bloom, the leaves are vibrant -- every season has its own special beauty. Fall is nature's curtain call.

This is is an autumn sunrise, not a sunset.

"Der Winter kommt." Wir verabschieden uns langsam von dem Herbst .

Die Luft ist frisch und klar, die Blumen blühen noch, die Blätter sind bunt - jede Jahreszeit hat ihren eigenen Reiz. Die Natur tritt nochmals vor den Vorhang. Das ist ein Sonnenaufgang im Herbst, kein Sonnenuntergang.

Heute gehen wir an einem kleinen See im benachbarten Dorf spazieren, wo es still und einsam ist.

Today I'm taking you on a walk around a small lake in a neighboring town where it's quiet and peaceful.

Tomorrow I'll show you the village.

Morgen gehen wir ins Dorf.

All Photo & effects by @roused -- taken yesterday, except the sunrise which was taken last week.


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Nice pictures and location. Very German. All the leaves are in the correct place. Everything is very neat and tidy. LOL

That was before Xavier came ... Tidy? Nothing's tidy in my village actually. It's rural and no one seems to bother about throwing away stuff in to the open ... :(

Sehr schöne Bilder 👍

Merci, ich danke dir für das Vorbeischauen!

Ein sehr idyllisches Plätzchen und bezaubernde Fotos!

Mit welchem Programm bearbeitest du die Fotos, damit du diese interessanten Effekte erzielst?

Danke, Steemit spinnt zur Zeit. Hoffentlich klappt meine Antwort jetzt :-0!!!!!

I've commented on a few #photography-based Steemit posts today, but yours is my favorite thus far (at 10:45 am). Which pics do I most favor?

Well, I like the images w/ the MTN and lake (reflection of the green trees & red trees is rather lovely -- so #3 and Image #5 are my fav's ).

Then too, I kind of like Image #6 - as the #Trees are unusual looking ..what sort are they?? )

Finally, if I were to do a painting.. I'd use #9 -gorgeous, with luminous color & REFLECTIONS on the water.

Brilliant .

Thank you for the thoughtful response. I've been trying to reply, but steemit on my end is freezing up. So just a quick thanks you!!!!!

Wow, was für wunderschöne Fotos <3 traumhaft.

Ich geniesse hier gerade noch den Herbst. Nach 9 Monaten Sommer tut mir das richtig gut.

Very nice region where you're living (except that the aliens rule it ;-)
Hopefully there is some time left until winter is coming (21st of December). Or is it different in the Alps?

Jörn it is strange, sometimes it's warm and sunny in winter, but it snowed this year in May. We never know anymore ;-)

Strange world, argh! And I thought climate change is just fake-news...

These are some incredible pictures! I loved your work! I hope to see more from you.

Thanks @firepower I wish I could spend a month in India taking photos. The last time I was there I concentrated on video, but I wish I had stuck to photography.

Best wishes,

:-) @roused

Very beautiful photos, indeed! We've started having those kinds of sunrises around here, as well... and it's very much a winter thing.

"Aliens Rule," indeed. Nice touch!

Yep, winter is on the way for sure. That alien cloud was quite a surprise ;-) Thanks for your nice comment!

Seit 8 Jahren ist Bayern meine Heimat. Wenn ich gefragt werde ob ich wieder ins Ruhrgebiet ziehe, München und Umland verlasse, muss ich meine alten Kameraden leider enttäuschen. Es ist einfach zu schön hier. Die Bilder zeigen das ganz deutlich ;-)

Kann ich gut verstehen :-)

schone psychedelische Effekte!


@roused thanks for shearing so gonna follow!!

Wirklich sehr schöne Bilder. Ich liebe solche Landschaftsaufnahmen. Darf ich fragen wo das in Bayern ist? Währe sicherlich für einen künftigen Urlaub ein interessantes Reiseziel


LK Traunstein nicht weit v. LK Rosenheim, Österreich