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RE: Foolish Carnival Self Portraits

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Imagine if everyday were Carinval ;-)

I'll never forget my first experience in Cologne during Carnival, I came to work unsuspecting. As soon as I walked into the building a secretary grabbed me by the necktie and pulled me to a room filled with laughing women in heavy makeup. They took out some scissors and cut off my tie!


Haha! I can imagine, how you felt. Did you know, that "Weiberfastnacht" has it's origins in the district of Bonn, where I live? Hopefully you got some "Bützchen" for compensation ;-)

Es ist an diesem Tag seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts Brauch, dass Frauen den Männern die Krawatte als Symbol der männlichen Macht abschneiden. So laufen die Männer nur noch mit einem Krawattenstumpf herum, wofür sie mit einem Bützchen (Küsschen) entschädigt werden.
