Amazing arts by unknown artists - Series #45

in #photography7 years ago

I captured all these art photographs in the Kolkata Book Fair, 2018. I tried to know the original artists of these awesome arts, but, failed. Enjoy this awesome arts. All credits goes to the unknown artists :)

To Be Continued..

Previous Episodes : Episode#01, Episode#02, Episode#03, Episode#04, Episode#05, Episode#06, Episode#07, Episode#08, Episode#09, Episode#10, Episode#11, Episode#12, Episode#13, Episode#14, Episode#15, Episode#16, Episode#17, Episode#18, Episode#19, Episode#20, Episode#21, Episode#22, Episode#23, Episode#24, Episode#25, Episode#26, Episode#27, Episode#28, Episode#29, Episode#30, Episode#31, Episode#32, Episode#33, Episode#34, Episode#35, Episode#36, Episode#37, Episode#38, Episode#39, Episode#40, Episode#41, Episode#42, Episode#43, Episode#44

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That unknown artist really have great art in hand 😍

The vibrant colors and the lotus flower draw the eye to the picture you have photographed. The Indian people are so colorful. I continue to watch your expedition through India. 🐓🐓

Thank you @mother2chicks for you nice compliment :D

Dear @royalmarco, just a thank you for upvoting my comment. I am a photographer at heart and I love the way the Indian people live in the tropics. It encourages me to see the world differently and to add some tropical landscaping to my own property. Thanks again. 🐓🐓

Pemandangan yang bagus saya menyukai travel dan photo yang bagus.

Amazing photography and art.
I like this your photo.

Wow,Excellent this art.

amazing photograph