Client: Preston Palace
Keywords: Hospitality, Hotel, Interior, Light
Task: Photograph hotel rooms with balcony access
Last week I was asked to photograph hotel rooms for Preston Palace. The shoot was planned a few weeks ago and we had to postpone it due to weather conditions and too many bookings. The weather was perfect last week, cloudy, just how I like it.
Preston Palace is an all-inclusive hotel located in Almelo, which is a small city located in the East of the Netherlands. You may have seen a project that I've shared with you that showcased their new hotel entrance.
As for post-processing, there wasn't much to do, except for removing outlets, color correction and adding a little bit of painting. When photographing interiors, most photographers are required to photograph the rooms with a wide-angle in order to be able to capture most of the room itself. Placing a real person in the room helps the viewer to identify the scale of the room and make it more real.
We did two sets of photographs, one with and one without people. This way we had the best of both worlds and had flexible photographs that could be used for various media. As a bonus, I shot some photographs of the view, because... just look at that view!

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -

©2019 | Ruben Cress -
Started the day around 08.30 AM, and finished the photographs around 01.30 AM, same day. I usually go to bed around 3'ish, so it was no big deal for me to keep working on the photographs the same day I shot them. The next day I received some feedback where there were minor adjustments that needed to be dealt with and a request for a few more photographs.
The client is pretty happy with the results, and so am I! What do you think?
You crushed it! The long exposures with the blurred subject really sets the scale of the room! I also appreciate the blue of the dress, it’s regal. What was the wide angle you used? Or rather, how wide is the frame?
P.S. I’ve begun thinking about what I might like in some branding. Would you be willing to hear me out in the next week or two? We could engineer an arrangement.
Thanks man! I used the 17-40mm ^^, small zoom for the optical illusion. Sure, you can reach me on Discord.
Muy linda las fotografías. Los colores y la composición es muy agradable