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RE: The Snail Stalker

in #photography7 years ago

Thank you! This really helps me relax and rest, even when my grandma keeps making fun of me when she sees me with the camera kneeling on the grass (κάνει το σταυρό της γιατί νομίζει ότι το έχω χαμένο) 🤣

Αααα! Όχι κι άλλος σαλιγκαροφάγος! Είχαμε τον @rickie, τώρα κι εσύ;!


Εν τω μεταξύ, ακόμα δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι δεν έχετε δοκιμάσει μια λιχουδιά σαλιγκαριών πριν.🤣🤣 .... Σταματήστε να διαμαρτύρονται για έναν εραστή της γλυκιάς γεύσης και σαρκώδη κρέας σαλιγκάρι @ruth-girl.

@ruth-girl mi mou peis oti den exeis dokimasei? Un-πιστέψ-able...

Νομίζω ότι μπορεί να έχει Cochleahphobia (fear of snails)....🤣

Xoxliofobia tha exei sigoura!!

Μα νέβερ όμως :P

Giatiiii??? Sigoura ta mageireuei h giagia...

Όχι! Τα έφτιαχνε όμως μια γειτόνισσα παλιά και έφερνε στον πατέρα μου που του αρέσουν. Δεν ξέρω, είναι η ιδέα και η αίσθηση ότι τρως συμπυκνωμένη μύξα... χαχαχαχαχα!

Xaxaxaxa malista...

Lolz.....Concentrated Slime? Now I get why you avoid it. There are ways to prepare it and wash it thoroughly though to remove the slimy properties it has. But then, I guess that would still not convince you.

It's more the idea of eating it. I mean I eat weird stuff (like liver, lungs, splene), but one does not seem so nice...

Γουγλε τρανσλέισον? Go figure this out :P

And no, I am not afraid of snails, I even like these shiny boogers. I just don't want to eat them!

Lolz......Google translation

Well, "not wanting to eat them" doesn't really say a lot, about why you avoid the delicacy. Perhaps, you haven't seen it prepared in a way that would be so appealing to you, that you'd fall into the temptation of eating it.


Πολύ νόστιμο και νόστιμο.