Mac noble plant or not ... we love sweet buns with poppy seeds, and even from this plant they get opium. What are beautiful or poppy flowers. Poppy gives shelter to beetles and flies that hide in the flower at night, so as not to freeze. Insects collect nect. Small bugs attract a huge amount of pollen. These beetles pollinate the flowers of the poppy. Seeds of poppy ripen in capsules, as in the photo. When autumn comes, and the strong wind of the box opens and rattles like rattles. Seeds pour out on the ground. Poppy seeds are very useful, they squeeze out oil. With oils make medicines, this medicine lowers the pressure, relieves pain. That most opium addict is a part of 500 medicines. Raw materials for the manufacture of drugs needed in medicine. "Oppos" means "juice." An unripe box of poppy is cut, the juice acts more juicy, it grows, only then it is collected, dried and pressed. Juice is collected by hand, so opium is expensive.
Sleeping papilla was grown on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in Northwest China, Turkey, Greece, India. In China, began to smoke opium. Addiction has become a misfortune in all countries of the world. People become dependent on the drug to get it, go for crimes. A person dies of addiction. There is a family of poppies, called - celandine. The juice of which is toxic, but medicinal. Juice is excreted by warts, yet they are treated with a rash and scabies. There is a poppy which is listed in the Red Book, there are many such species. In the Caucasus, a poppy grows with a flower up to 20-25 cm in diameter.
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