The animal body is a lot of color like pink, green, yellow, blue, light blue. You must be really amazed to see this animal that many kinds of colors on his back.
Tubuh hewan ini banyak warnanya seperti
warna merah muda, hijau, kuning,biru,biru
muda. Kamu pastinya sungguh kagum
melihat hewan ini yang banyak macam
warna di punggungnya.
These animals are among the species of insects that live in tropical regions such as Aceh and Indonesia.
Hewan ini termasuk jenis serangga yang
banyak hidup di daerah tropis seperti Aceh
dan juga Indonesia.
By @safriadi
nice pict (y)
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ayok vost blik gan sling vntu wkwkw