The English Experience

2017 was a dooozy, I mean Whoa!
This year past year, I to travel to England for the first time with my lovely girlfriend Ember (@asmileisthecure)
This was quite the trip!

We booked our tickets through friends who works for American Airlines from Kauai, HI to London, England.
This entire trip was on “Standby” so one night in LAX, two nights in Charlotte, NC, and finally after a long 80 hours of travel we made it to London!

After landing we immediately headed to the Paddington Station to catch a train to lovely Bristol on the west side of the British Isle. This port city is known for it’s shipping yards and Aircraft manufacturing by Rolls Royce.

During our stay Ember and I were tasked to help a family friend clean out his recently passed parents home. This was a joy as we all discovered many treasures in the home!

Our joys were amplified when finding items representing the love of the family, this letter was signed by the Queen of England to congratulate 60 successful years of Marriage, also being of the WWII generation we found over £100,000 in cash hidden in the beds, cupboards, and old shoe boxes.. you know, “just in case.”


The city of Bristol is made along a beautiful canal leading ships safely to sea after construction long ago. Today one can find rarities like this car from 1964, the owner explained to me there are only 100 or so left in the world.

We seemed to have arrived in England at a very special time indeed, the Summer Solstice! This is the longest day of the year, and we happened upon Stone Henge for this special occasion. There are no words I can say to give justice to how powerful Stone Henge truly is.


Eventually we took the train from Bristol back to spend a few days in London and “see the sights”

If you have the right vision in London, it isn’t too hard to find a bit of old magic :). Radcliff, ha! (Harry Potter fans in the house?)


Speaking of old magic, the British Museum is a very large highlight when in London. There are objects in this building that hold very ancient wisdom. This is the Tree of Life with the Anunnaki as depicted by the Sumerians in some of history’s earliest records.


The final image in this series is also from the British Museum, this pendant was worn by nobleman to show status and rank. It is a masterful work for it’s very small size. It is part of the Rothschild’s Private Collection.

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