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RE: mean people kept commenting, so I took this down.

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Right - I post about meaningful life experiences like witnessing 9/11, being diagnosed with epilepsy and my dad dying. Your posts literally consist of nothing but more of the same directionless hate, antagonism and totally unjustified superiority. Another pseudointellectual poser who has appointed themselves the sole arbiter of what is and is not "valuable" Gross. You are a bully and a detriment to the Steem community.


Thankyou sarah xx

Your posts do nothing but bring negativity. The world is sad enough. There is nothing to learn from your posts...nothing that will make the world a better place at least.

My posts show people how to free themselves from government and corporate slavery, how to provide food/water/shelter/transportation/communication, in sustainable, diy ways, ideas for fair tax structures, ideas to prevent police brutality, how the dissolution of intellectual property and an adoption of open source collaboration could improve the world.

I'm not a bully because I'm only speaking the truth. If the truth hurts, that's a cue to you to take a closer look at your priorities.

Valuable is inspirational or educational. You post shit. Period.