Waking up this morning we decided to go to a greenhouse near our home. I never had been there so this trip was even more interesting.

Can't say that it was super informative, but as a tropical oasis in the heart of St. Petersburg winter works fine! We were there probably an hour or an hour and a half. The idea visited us to go there every day with the laptop and work (so nice that the entrance is worth a penny). The presence of tables, chairs, wi-fi and comfortable lighting said "yes, that is a good idea" to us. The only thing that was disappointed is that we can't take in food or drinks here - cause the cup of hot coffee or tea would be very nice

On the photo @ins1der22
Your @saturndh
Эх, жизнь агронома)
Дословный перевод: Проснувшись сегодня утром мы решили пойти в теплицу возле нашего дома))
greenhouse? Why a greenhouse?) I imagined it so ...
bearded Boris morning went to water the garden.))