When I moved into my loft, I got a lot of advice and help from a good friend who works in interior design. One thing he told me was to buy a plant for an empty space between my kitchen and living room. And he specifically told me to buy a fiddle fig because of how hearty they are (translation: you won't kill it). Full disclosure, I've never really had plants in my apartments over the years for a variety of reasons. But now that I actually bought a place, I wanted to try.
Life with the fiddle fig was great and added a nice touch, but I stupidly bought it 3 weeks before I knew I'd be leaving town for a month. Not smart. There was a small bud at the top starting to grow just as I left that I worried wouldn't survive. I had a friend water it once while I was gone, but when I got home, the little bud was entirely black.
Here's the great part. After a few weeks of proper care, a new bud has emerged from the dead black one! This may not be a big deal for most, but I am entirely excited by it. So for the Thursday Green #colorchallenge and for @juliank's #macrophotography entry, I'm submitted the new green bud from my fiddle fig!
And for some perspective, here's a wider shot of the plant. You can see the dead black where the new bud emerged:
It really is the small things in life that give great pleasure and joy!
It is nice to see a new bud forming on the fig plant that you have.
Thanks! I'm very happy about it!