One of the most highly prized by both shore anglers and underwater photographers is on of the largest fish in the Pacific Northwest, a member of the Greenling family the Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus).
Lingcod is a Pacific species whose scientific name – Ophiodon elongatus– says it all. Its roots – the Greek “ophis” for snake, “odons” for tooth, and the Latin word “elongatus” or elongated – provides a fitting description for this long, large, toothy fish. The only thing not serpentine about this bottom-dweller is its large head.
Lingcod live in rocky seafloor habit and camouflage themselves in mottled colours ranging from mustard yellow and deep browns to varied greys and dark greens. The local marine environment often influences its colouring and markings.
Starting in October, lingcod begin to migrate to spawning grounds near the shore. The males lead the way, establishing nests in rock crevices or on ledges with strong currents. The females follow, laying between 150,000 and 500,000 eggs, but then immediately take off. Male lingcod are left to guard the nest from predators until the eggs hatch from early March to late April. Young lingcod remain in shallower depths for several years, but eventually settle in similar habitats to older lingcod. Lingcod can live up to 20 years and can grow to over 36 kg (80 lbs.)
Photographing Lingcod can be quite enjoyable, they tend to stay fairly motionless until you get too close, so setting up your shot easy. Just be careful when males are guarding eggs, the males can be very aggressive and will not hesitate to charge at you.
Happy shooting and thanks for reading.
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Where do you go diving? I love the last photo its a great shot.
Most of my diving is done along the coastal areas of BC, Washington, Oregon and California but I have traveled quite a bit to Central and South America.
Good to know. I live in California and I've been looking for a good place to go diving or even snorkeling again. I miss the water and would love to take some underwear photos and videos.
Very interesting photos. I like!
You captured the Lingcod so well. I am amazed at the beautiful diversity in nature. Thanks for sharing.
Wow this is really nice... There are so many sea creatures like this everywhere, thanks for Sharing
the ocean is such an amazing place
Love that last photo! These are some pretty cool captures.
very good post dear...👌👌👌👌👌
Hehe, that first shot made me think, don't mess with this guy! You must do a lot of diving.
Great work! Stoked to see other underwater photographers here :)
Firstly I will like to thank you this lovely photos. I have never seen any of this before. Thanks
Wow man amazing
Woah neat pics! Makes me want to go diving!
Epic first shot dude, love the angle on that one!
the first photo was terrifying! it looked like its about to swallow me!
Amazing photography! Just like always!
That first image is my favorite but they are all fantastic!
the fish is a demersal fish that is fish that live in deep waters
Nice post @scottdphoto
Diving is BLISS! Have you ever been to Honduras to dive? There are some great spots down here. The island of Utila is one of the cheapest places for diving in the whole world. Thanks for sharing.
Wow amazing photos and nice photography, good article and thank for sharing my friend @scottdphoto. I would like to invite you to visit my blog @rizkyakbar pleasee i want tou you followback, upvote, and comment my post thank you my friend.
Very nice share.
I hope those fishes are not poisonous, I would love to have one as pet