Rockfish 101 - Yellowtail Rockfish

in #photography7 years ago

Over the course of this series on rockfish, touch on many of the different species I’ve encountered and photographed over the years but this rockfish is probably the one I have seen and captured images of the most.

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Diving in the waters off of British Columbia you will run into this fish, it seems to be everywhere and it’s great! I feel that it gives me a little hope that fish stocks are not declining as much as the media claims and that one day my kids will see this fish and many others as I have.

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The Yellowtail Rockfish, Sebastes flavidus range from San Diego, California to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. These fish have a long head and protruding jaw, and grow to 26 inches and live to be 64 years old. Wonderfully coloured, these fish pop when taking a picture of them. Often a grayish brown with a brassy yellow wash or sometimes a light grey with yellow hues and speckles.

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These fish tend to school in large groups but I have also found solitary ones in various areas. As with most fish approach slow and be patient for your shot. Yellowtail will get comfortable with you and you may end up swimming among the school just part of the team.

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Thanks for reading.


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Wow amazing colour world

very good post and I want to see your post forward and I choose you, do not forget follow @feryykama and

follow upvote and resteemit has been done

Super amazing photography under water.I am very enjoying your photos.Obviously very creative work.Keep it up

artikel yang luar biasa
keindahan laut yang dipenuhi banyak ikan yang sangat indah

Rockfish is really cute... Great shot...

These fishes are awesome, gorgeous fishes. And these photographs are mind blowing. Lovely stuff. It is regularly found over deep reefs from the surface to depths of 1,800 feet.

You are really amazing

Woah! Fantasic photography on aquatic life

So beautiful

Great pictures !!!

Woow, Great pics buddy! What camera did you use? got a few questions since im amateur under water regarding cameras :D

I will follow you for more nice posts like that! Feel free to check my divingposts about tresher sharks! Looking forward to see more of you! Cheers

I love it!!!!
Thumbs up

Regards from Canary Islands Congratulations @scottdphoto/rockfish-101-yellowtail-rockfish

Nice post.....5ccee8c9173e3c5d68db6cf4d9ad0331.jpg