Ever seen a golf ball swim? I know it’s a funny statement but residing in the waters of the Pacific Northwest is a spherical little fish that resembles a golf ball.
Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker have an almost spherical or global head and body shape. They do not have scales. Instead the body is covered with plate-like structures containing spiny lumps called tubercles. Females have more tubercles than males. They have a squared dorsal fin, a caudal fin that is rounded, thin, and transparent pectoral fins and a specialized fringed sucker disk on their stomachs that has evolved is a modification of their pelvic fins. They have a wide mouth with flat large lips and large protruding eyes. They have a wide range of colors: shades of brown to green, often with yellow or orange highlights.
These little fish only grow to about 2.5-7.6 cm (1-3 in).
Lumpsuckers are solitary by nature and are usually found alone. Inefficient swimmers because of their spherical body and small fins, when disturbed, spiny lumpsuckers aimlessly change directions and they will try and use rocks and seaweeds for hiding places.
Finding one of these comical creatures to photograph is truly delightful. Take your time and be patient, set up your shot, because these guys struggle to swim wait for them to be in the best spot and get your image.
Thanks for reading.
For more stories and images - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/
There is nothing beautiful than nature and your capture is just perfect.
Lovely shots. What kind of under water equipment do you use?
I using a DSLR camera, Canon 5d, Canon 100mm macro lens, Ikelite strobes and Aquatica Housing.
Thank you so much my friend 😊 that's some real professional equipment you have right there. Your photos are awesome
you are professional photoghraphy rally
She is so beautiful !!
Truly awesome ! Mind blowing photography !! Became fan of your work my friend !! Followed you !!!
nice photography i like it.
Most beautiful of your photography . really i like that . thanks......
wao beautyful...:))
Its such a cute a little things and in the first picture there body shape is not clear but welldone mate you have captured the picture so skillfully that HATS OFF i can see the eyes and mouth and every lump on the fidh clearly and very nice article so informative keep it up
Very interesting one. Good to know this
wow! wonderful photography..nature is a very nice..thanks for sharing this post..
very nice @tariq3njr
Nice photography, Happy New year
Nice picture..
It looks so cute!!! Thanks for sharing Scott!
Really nice photos. I love it!
Wow amazing fish....
It is a very beautiful and beautiful picture that looks like a stone but it is a fish.
Nice post
w0o0oww post. very nice and getting new things to learn. keep posting stuff like that. stay blessed <3
At first I was having an imaginary picture of the gulf ball floating on the water but reading through I realised it is something else. Nice conning and thanks for the privilege to learn about lumpsuckers.
The fish is unique, the oceans are full of diverse unique biota, but few we know..
Awesome post thank you .
Nice post! Good assumptions, good discoveries. That is the power of nature and great power of Almighty God. There are more astonishing creatures in the sea than you can ever imagine. I follow and upvote you.
Superb post . beautiful pictures
Gorgeous fish! I never saw it before! Thanks for efforts to discovering a piece of the nature for us.
please please please vote my post this month is very important for me to
I have to earn $10. this is a personal request from bottom of my heart
who can think it can be that beautiful
Absolutely love the emotion you catch in these little guy's life of swimming struggles! Great work, @scottdphoto!
amazing and stunning photography @scottdphoto I would like to share my own photography with you https://steemit.com/photography/@irshadhussain/some-of-the-most-spectacular-photographs-of-mountains-around-my-hometown
Funny little boy)
It's great to see on stemit beautiful underwater photos.
Wonderful , amazing photography. Really great talent, and wide knowledge. Thanks for sharing
Haha those fish are so adorable! I want to hold it in my hand hehe.
wow bro, I am inspired
Life in its shapes and colors is a miracle. If you imagine that all these beings have evolved (which is hard to imagine) then ..... yes, it's a miracle. I love the live
Nice one
Nice fantastic photography Happy 2018 Contribution comment#
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