Came home from a long day of work to see my roomie reading, she does make it hard to concentrate.
I asked what book it was, just trying to start conversation, anyone ever heard of this book or knows if its a good read..
Disclaimer, she approves and has knowledge of every picture i take and if i get enough comments or upvotes she has promised to let me take pics baring more... :) help meee lol
Dont forget to upvote and follow guys, hope yaull have a good night as well
It's a good read. You can't go wrong with Malcolm Gladwell.
Book who cares about reading lol
I need some conversation topics, its easier to ask u guys than to go read it, be the wingman steemville needs lol
Unfortunately you are going to have to read a book find out who her favorite author is and get a book by them start reading it and then you can talk to her about it