Freedom and Scoundrels

in #photography7 years ago

I can’t believe that I’ve never heard this quote before, but it’s brilliant and it sums up my philosophy on the subject perfectly:

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." —H.L.Menken



Nice quote and a picture that is in harmony with this quote... Really great picture... Well framed, harmony of the model with the background is unbelievable... I like this picture...! You made a great job @sean-king...

Congrats and have a nice day...

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." —H.L.Menken

A scoundrel is simply a person who is worthless or does not deserve something and so what's really the point trying to defend the undeserving and talking about oppression being stopped at the beginning ,yes that's the only kill a tree you have to aim it's root.

And as always @sean-king has dropped yet another outstanding photoshoot. Keep it up Sean.

That's a very wise (and truthful) quote. Thats also one breath taking beautiful shot. I presume its your lovely wife. Great shot good sir!!

Hmm... your post gave me a real sense of our society right now. (i had to hold back on my comment for a while and internalize on it)

My thoughts about it:

First, it's relevant. I've seen it, it's everywhere. The inequality of society, the ones with power are the ones that has a tendency to oppress the ones with the least power ~ whether intentional or not. That's just the way society works. Justice is blindfolded which means it can also be ~ misguided or misled. To be honest i have no means to fix that :-( do you think it can be fix Sean? I want to know your thougts about it.

Now to your photo, i have to say, it directly translates to the quote that you refer to. It's spot on. I felt the feeling of being oppresed on her portrayal. The lighting, the grunge, the anger, and the tension made this photo deserving to be put on the wall. It speaks for itself ~ no caption required.


Thanks my friend, your post made me realize more about it.

This statement is true and worthy of affirmation. When you put your career, family, your freedom, or even your life on the line for someone or a people, they mostly turn out to be ingrates.

For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed

They cry to you for help but when you offer them all they need, or you are putting your best into helping them, they still stab you in the back.


Came for the picture, stayed for the philosophy. Was not disappointed.

wonderful poetic image .. i'm so impressed that this is natural light Sean. Really excellent work as usual. Great to see this do so well here.If you look at my work, I'm glad :)

" Defend the weak, because it will help when you need someone to help you "
This is one of my quote

Absolutely fabulous promise. We need to fight for freedom. You'll be at it for that. Whatever happens, you will not give up. That's when you would say stop. Then you will be free.


no one was going to try to take away decent people's freedom of speech, but they would very often try to take away the liberties of horrible people.

I follow your photographs with pleasure. the shooting areas and your model are very eye-catching. good post...

Awesome photography boss

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." —

Excellent quote by H.L.Menken.

Wr learn and meet new things each day. That's part of why we exist.

Wow friend wow alweys u choice sexy girl

really impressive. your talents are extraordinary.

reading these publications makes me think that steemit is a place beyond just making money thanks for transmitting good thoughts

Haven't read it before either but this; for it is against scoundrels thay oppressive laws are first aimed contains an epitome of truth in it

Sounds like that quote:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

-Edmund Burke

A beautiful quote made me think and to be honest challenged my English a little bit so I had to do some research and learn new words.

And I stand for oppressive laws applied to horrible people, rapists, killers etc... I know it's against humanism but so are raped children and dead innocents.

I made comment based on what I understood, sorry if I understood wrong. As I said, challenged my English.

One needs to convince the oppressors that scoundrels aren’t scoundrels.


also LOVE how the skin looks in this photo!! <3

is She Pooping?