
Adorable picture. You must be proud of them a lot.

Nico Puerto Rico and Aluka Morocco :p


Looks like Nico loves the ocean. My dog loves the ocean too...

Nice photography. Looks like its nice, warm and dry in Puerto Rico :)

Hey Sean! I'm Happy to see Nico once again. He looks so adorable, inspireD me to create an artwork having Nico as the subject. Here it is:


I finally had time & courage to revisit my hobby on art, hope you like it my friend :-)

P.s. I like the rhyme of your title "Nico in Puerto Rico", it's catchy! :D if this is a song, i could have LSS by now. Lol

He is enjoying the sea, sand and sun. It seems from his eyes. He is so lucky to be a member of you family. you and @steemed-open are good animal lover. Fifht photo is the best. @steemed-open's dress's colour so nice. All photos have nice colours. Great composition of your beach pleasure... If you have time, could you look at my works? I will be very happy when you visit my blog. Have a nice day...

Beautiful photography and very admirable dog.

Beautiful photography..
Thank for sharing...

It looks like it is very naughty and funny... It looks like smiling also :)... How old is it? Ehehe Meanwhile pictures are really beautiful and all of them are too clean and clear... Its eyes are shining with happiness...

Have a nice day my friend...

is she it from your family It's nice like you
I want to know the name of this dog ??He's a beautiful dog This is a dog for @claraking

Wow its wonderfull 😍😍😗😗😗
Good picture of animal ..perfect click

Your dog photo is simply incredible! Surprisingly! What color and detail! Bravo!

@sean-king Puerto Rico's charming beach. A good dog kept it, and also kept your wife. have a good day

waww ... an exceptional photo results, you pick it up with the camera?
panoramic view of the beach of puerto rico and a cute dog.

Great shot! I have seen that go on with the monkeys at our zoo.

I love that dog in its play mode...hi hi hi hi hi

Unleash the photography in you more & more. @sean-king, you did well by capturing those moments.


I also took this shot today.Original photo by @samal.

These are all lovely shots but I would really love to know the name of the camera used.

The camera brings out every single detail. It makes the picture look edited even when it's not.

Nico is so adorable.. Nice shot

Masterly! Well crafted, well positioned, perfect timing. Each element contributes greatly to the beauty of the picture.

Nice shots @sean-king

He had a swell time...

This is an amazing looks friendlt and playful. What's his name? Nico?

Cute dog.. obviously catching fun!

beautiful photos and beautiful beaches ....

Nico reminds me of a human being when I look at him in the face. Quite the handsome fellow.

If you want to know how to be happy, hang out with a dog. They don't have to think about happiness. They don't plan on happiness. They take it as it comes.

Dogs prove that you can be too smart to be happy. But you can never be too dumb. Dogs are just right. Not too smart, not too dumb. Dogs are born to be happy.

The fact that you're there, with your dog, taking pictures of your dog and documenting his or her happiness means you are learning well. We can all learn from your dog. You're in the right place at the right time to be happy, with your dog as trainer.

Be there or be square. There is no such thing as a square dog. :)

Lovely Photographs of wonderful dog and your lovely wife behind the awesome scene. You rock @sean-king. always quality photography shared here. Lol.

I Love This one.

Having better time than I ever will :D

Boy I ought to bring my boy Rocky to the beach!

Beautiful doggo! Is that a labradoodle?

Toto in The Wizard of Oz was played by a female Cairn Terrier named Terry.

What a beauty, he looks human.

Innocent eyes .. :)

I will draw something for nico and @claraking

beautiful dog nice

you have a very nice family. and very sympathetic nico ... a family full of love. nico is very lucky. I also think your wife is in love with Nico. I saw it in another photo. The look on Nico is loving. :)sean-kıng.jpg

Aww Nico looks like he's loving the beach!! Our dog loves it too!

Nico is absolutely adorable!

Oh, sooo sweet doggy! And loves water and sand, hahaha!

Nice shots man. In contrast to this we currently have heavy snow fall here in england its freezing and no one knows what to do.heres to summer coming sooner rather than later!

Awwww such a cute dog 😍😍😍😍. I love animals, they are amazing:)))

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