Getting Back Into Gig Photography

Hey Steemians!

I started my creative journey by picking up a tacky, £20 camera and snapping some shots at music festivals when I was like 12 or 13. I focused on it for a couple of years, but decided I'm more practical, so film and writing are probably best for me.


I recently met some of the most bubbliest and involved people I've ever met. It started out with an idea for a music video, and so far within 2 months it has led me going out to gigs almost every weekend, going to Freekquency Fest in Portugal next week and doing lots of creative long term projects with loads of different people.


I'm really glad I met this group as it's been an amazing opportunity for me to explore outside of my comfort zone, I've met some lovely people and got some really cool projects on the go. The band are called Southwestsiide and are an All Skool Hip Hop Party Band from Brighton, covering all the old hip hop classics, and turning them into something fresh. They are big fans of jamming and host a lot of freestyle sessions where anyone is welcome to come up and play.


Ben Jammin and the peace, love and happiness is Hippy Hop musician, who plays with the band on his project too. I will be making music videos for both 'bands', and these pictures were all taken on the same night and are from both performances.


These were the first pictures I've taken at a concert since I switched from photography to video about 2 years ago. I had really enjoyed it for a while and was given the amazing opportunity to shoot some really incredible bands that I admire a lot, and not to mention the countless festival passes. I was quite good at it, but that's the thing with me, I never really stick with something. I move on too quickly.


I'd forgotten most of what I knew, I must admit it was a slap in the face because I didn't realise how rusty I was. So many rookie errors caught me off guard, and the majority of my shots are literally mugshots that I can do nothing but make memes out of. So I apolgiize to the band in advance for all the future memes to come...


This was the trumpet players first performance with the band, I was really impressed. I love this band as you never know what to expect, their members are many, and it always seems to be growing...


This is 'The Flying V', he's my absolute favourite person in the world (his hobby is printing really silly food labels like toad and newt soup and then sticking the items on the shelves of unsuspecting shops...). LEGEND. Oh, and he literally has about 50 harmonicas that he has set up on stage with him.


I had fun and although it was different to what I normally do, it was fun doing something different for a change. I'm really looking forward to going away with them and seeing what priceless moments I can capture with all of my borrowed equipment ;)

Thanks for reading! If you like what I do, please help a struggling artist out and share your upvote! All my Steam earnings will be going towards my OWN equipment!