March is capricious.

in #photography6 years ago


Примхливий березень навіює чорно-білий настрій. Зранку сніг, дощ в обід, і сонечка між тим трішки. Вітрами голови зносить.


March inspires black and white mood. It's snow in the morning, it's raining in the middle of the day, and the little girl is still a little bit. Head wind blows.


Nice pic.Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome!

Sceneslie this and the march weather do make one feel like doing them in B&W and these shots work so well in B&W

yes, in March there are few colors, often it's just shades of gray between black and white

Exactly some photos you do not even née dot convert ot B&W they are pretty much B&W when taken