The glory of the clouds and native landscapes.

in #photography6 years ago

Краєвиди нашої місцевості. Україна багата на красиві пейзажі, як і будь-який куточок нашої планети. Природня краса здатна захопити не лише погляд, а й ваше серце )

Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/1600

Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/200

Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-200, 1/640


Яка краса !


I needed Google to translate of course ;) ... you are right, the Ukraine has beautiful landscapes ... and the clouds are beautiful dramatic too. Thanks for sharing, @shady

Thank you for using the translator and translating the text. Thank you for your comment.

You're welcome @shady, we all like good photos.

So lovely! Congrats @shady!

Thank you)

Hi @shady

Those colors are just wonderful ! The contrast with the clouds is just wonderful. Your pictures are just wonderful !

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