
His shorts match the tiger! Smart guy to live in Thailand
If you are interested in Thailand you should check out my post

great post i have checked Thailand is very beautiful, great point for tourism

Look at the size of that tiger!

I wish to try it someday! :)

Makes me giggle just thinking about it.

nice one )))))))

Good wish me too @sidwrites

Beautiful, it is hard to imagine how greedy people could kill these majestic animals and use their body parts for warped therapies.

As a side, you can cuddle Cheetahs in Canberra Zoo.

Right dear they do bad.

You know they were drugged as hell that they not attack your friend... too sad to see.

Did they drug the tiger or your friend? :P

Hahaha i don't know

Great photo!
They are such beautiful cats.
Thanks for sharing and Steem on :)