Really awesome to see these very beautiful horse
statues and learn more about about the area.
Something I heard about how some horse statues
are standing with one leg up or both was how the
person in honor died, in battle or natural causes.
Will have to refind that info :-)
I like that your video was on yt as I can hardly get
dtubes to play here. Hope that improves soon.
Followed your youtube.
Very impressive Victory Day on your older posts!
I'm enjoying your wonderful photographs and
information 🐎
Thanks for stopping by and the info about how soldiers died. I am definitely going to look into that. I am also frustrated with Dtube because I would rather avoid YouTube and the rat pack of Social Media giants; however, it is a total pain in the ass to upload videos to Dtube and then, as you said, often they don't play.
Thanks for the compliment on the photography. Of course, they are nothing compared to that shot of the Eagle on your page. Wow!