📷 $2050 Camera vs. $330 Smartphone Camera Shootout! Can you tell the difference?! 相機大對決!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


Are smartphone cameras getting better?

Since I upgraded my smartphone a few months ago to the Asus Zenfone 4, I began to notice that the images taken with it were super sharp, and if I take the proper procedures to maximize image quality, ie shoot in RAW and shoot on a tripod, the results blew my mind.

Soon after I began to think if carrying around a heavy camera still makes any sense, considering the convenience offered by the phone. Thus I set out to compare my Sony A7 (now $800 new) to the Asus Zenfone 4, as objectively as possible, to see just how much difference I can perceive in the images taken between the two devices.

自從我手機升級為華碩Zenfone 4,我開始注意到手機拍出來的照片都超級銳,而且如果又上腳架用RAW拍攝,結果更是超過我對手機的預期。接著我開始懷疑出門帶著相對較重的A7是否還有意義,畢竟手機在現代生活已經不可離身。為了更清楚了解這兩個相機拍出之差異,我做了一個客觀的實驗,以下分享給各位。

Level the playing field 公平競爭

Field of view 視野角度

My first step is to determine the lens I need to use to match the field of view of the smartphone. The specs on the website says the Zenfone 4 has an equivalent focal length of 25mm on a full frame camera, so I used my Zeiss 16-35mm f/4 lens set to 24mm to get almost the same field of view.

第一步是先選鏡頭來達到手機的視野,手機官網顯示相機等效焦段為25mm,所以我選了Zeiss 16-35mm f/4鏡頭然後將其轉至24mm。

Aperture 光圈

To achieve roughly the same depth of field, I multiplied the f/1.8 aperture of the phone camera by 6 to get 10.8 (since the sensor size is about 1/6th of the A7), so I just rounded to the next nearest integer and set the 16-35mm to f/11.


ISO 感光度

I left the ISO at base settings for each camera to see which would come out on top given the lowest noise possible on each device, so that's ISO 25 for the phone and ISO 100 for the A7.


RAW 原檔

I also shot in RAW on both devices to make sure I get the maximum latitude for editing afterwards.


Processing 後製

For each shot, I adjusted the white balance, color, and exposure to roughly the same.


Results 結果

Below are the tests shots I made and all of them with the exception of the last one were shot on a tripod. See if you can tell which was shot with the smartphone and which was shot with the A7 :)

以下是用Sony A7及手機拍出來的比較照片,除了最後一組,其他全是上了腳架拍攝。你能看得出差別嗎?









Did you make your guesses? 猜好了嗎?

The first images of each set were shot with the Sony A7!

每組的第一張都是用Sony A7拍的!

Conclusions 結論

Without looking at each photo at 100% magnification, to me the difference is negligible, for viewing images on the computer or just for sharing on the Internet, the Asus Zenfone 4's camera works just fine. It's astounding how good the camera on phones are nowadays, but it's not surprising since the demand is so high, driving innovations and funding in that area.

I haven't made prints of these images to compare yet, but I assume that the larger I print, the more I will begin to see the benefits of a full frame camera versus a smartphone camera, especially with regards to noise in low light situations.

Another advantage of the Sony A7 over the phone is that one can change lenses to achieve different fields of view and perspectives, as well as magnification.


Equipment Used

  • Camera: Sony A7, Asus Zenfone 4
  • Lens: Sony Zeiss 16-35mm f/4
  • Software: Adobe Lightroom

Hope you enjoyed this post! I strive hard to provide original quality content :)

My goal is to share with this wonderful community my passion in photography, and hopefully contribute to the awesome inspirational content on Steemit.

I read and try to respond to all comments, and welcome any photography related questions and feedback!


Really great idea to compare the two cameras. I had a hard time telling them apart. I recently bought a Samsung active phone, to use only as a waterproof, take anywhere camera. Not as versatile as the full-on camera, as you pointed out, but I've ruined a couple dropping and getting wet on my bicylce. So...why not. As you point out, there is little difference on this site electronically and visually at scale. (Though I still dream of the day I can afford a new full-frame Nikon. Nothing like the real McCoy in the end). Thanks for the cool comparison.

A waterproof camera sounds like a really fun camera to take around anywhere!

It does have it's advantages. I won't test it underwater, but it will definitely be fully tested in the NW rain.
I do think the cell phones heavily process the info and make it ideal for screen viewing. I was traveling with a friend that had a tablet, and I had a Nikon D200, back when they were a new DSLR. It was a bit comical, if not frustrating as all get out.
She was point and shooting the same mushroom bent down, through her legs standing up, as I was down in the dirt with the close-up lens on the D200. Frustrated the daylights out of me, her images looked better than mine when we compared. But when we went to put them on the same medium, the screen on the computer, they became a bit more equal, if not a bit better from the DSLR.

I'm pretty sure if/when you print those, the DSLR will be clearer, sharper, etc... as it will then be a true test. No electronic bells and whistles to bump the image on a screen. Curious to see what the difference is. If there is NO difference, the DSLR market may take a tumble ) :

Your experience says something about big cameras: sometimes it is hard to get the shot purely due to camera size, I've had this frustration more than once :)

In my tests, I shot in RAW as to avoid in-phone processing, and I found that the DSLR trumps the phone in terms of noise and dynamic range, and had more latitude for post-processing without hurting image quality.

I would be sble to tell the difference with picture number 3, flare are very noticeable on the Zenphone, otherwise, it has an amazing resolution

Phones nowadays are crazy good!

The pictures are indeed very close, but the introduction to the images shows where the camera still beats the smartphone: in configurability and creative choice of settings.

Definitely, the more expensive camera offers more creative flexibility :)

thank you for sharing the helpful information~

You're welcome!

Wow, I can hardly tell the difference between the shots; maybe the colors that the Sony produces look a bit better. I recently purchased Sony Xperia XZ premium and I am yet to test its camera :)

I'm sure it's awesome, I was looking at Sony phones myself!

I am only using my phones because I don't want so many gadgets with me. 😊

For everyday use a smartphone is more than good enough :)

I guessed correctly. The light in the lower images was harsher. The light in top photos was more smooth.

You've got a good eye!



比暗和光的地方有些分別,還有最光的地方手機渲開比較嚴重🤔 像文中說要大圖輸出或者專業拍攝之類,不然外出方便度來看,手機完勝...


You can kind of tell, but 3 is fairly apparent with the distortion being a little bit more noticeable. It's a bit difficult to tell otherwise... Although I liked the first images a bit more, there is a bit of smoothness and slightly richer colour in them.

I think I may need a better monitor for viewing! Thanks for the feedback!

I could tell the difference but sometimes carrying a heavy camera is a deterrent to the enjoyment of the travel so getting the most out of a good mobile phone camera is great

True, they say the best camera is that one that you have with you!

I don't want my wife to read this and tell me I don't need a camera.😎


I make sure I came back to look at the photos in a bit more details.
It seems the 2nd of the 1st 3 are brighter and even in the last pair without using the tripod, the 2nd one seem slightly brighter.
In all cases, the one taken by the Zenfone looks jolly good enough for me.