Do you need a bit of yellow? A bunch of zucchini flowers for you!

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

I really love to eat the flowers of the zucchini (the italian name of cucurbita pepo), usually I cook them with the pasta, or filling them with meat or cheese  or using others recipes!

Today my mom gave me some flowers to cook, because in the garden of my dad it's time to collect them. It was really nice to receive these nice very good flowers! ^_^

Sure, my mom gave me also a bunch of zucchini, so I can use them to cook good recipe as the zucchini omelette or to add to a good mix of vegetable to cook a soup  ^_^

Well, I think I'll share with you some zucchini recipes in the next posts. A good food is always something awesome to share ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti


My favorite zucchini recipe... Open trash can, place zucchini inside, replace lid... Eat meat!

lol the same for my daughter!!! :D

realy like the word "A good food is always something awsome to share"

Very good with Tempura Batter I look forward to seeing how you got on.

Good to know! I've never eat them with Tempura Batter, I'll try ^_^

Sounds fantastic and delicate at the same time. What a rich tone of yellow too.

Thanks so much, @arthuradamson ! They have a delicate taste of zucchini, they are really good :D

Great content! Keep it up!


hahahahaha, E X C E L L E N T

Thanks ^_^ Nice gif!

Thank you 😁

Oooh what do they taste like? I once saw a cooking show where someone stuffed and baked them, looked so nuce!

I'm not sure about they taste like, but when you eat them you can feel a bit of the zucchini taste , but very "light" ^_^

even zuchinni has such a mild taste I can imagine it's very delicate. Gorgeous!

Hummmmm, zucchini! So good, so good! I need salad right after my yoga class! =)

I can understand, dear @manandez! Have a nice (and good) salad ^_^

Woo hoo thank you! Now leaving for Yoga! =)

they look like chicken legs haha great post

ah ah ah you're right ^_^

HAHAH really chicken legs))