Some hours in Barcelona ^_^

We had to spend some hours in Barcelona before the second flight of today, so we used the metro to go on the centre of the city from the El Prat airport.
As usual I took some pics (just few pics because the gallery of the pics in my phone is almost full).



Also a pic of a door with graffiti:


And the owl of Harry Potter ^_^


So today is a very funny day: in the morning we was in Lisbon, in the evening we was in Barcelona and in the night we will in Italy ^_^

See ya soon


Barcelona is such an awesome city. Was there in the summer before the terror attack. Is anything that reminds of it on La Rambla now?

eterday I didn't notice anything, but I was tired and we was there just for few hours so maybe it was something that reminds the terrible fact that I didn't see. I have to say that there were many many people on the Ramblas, the same number of people that I saw before the attack, so I think it's a positive sign against the fear ^_^

Beautiful just do not like the grafiti.

Barcelona is full of graffiti and pieces of street art, but just in some streets. ^_^

wow....... What a height of that building beautiful click of photographs thanks for your post.

You're welcome! ^_^

Lots of food for the eyes of artists!

I totally agree! I really love Barcelona, I can breathe art and creativity everywhere there ^_^

We visited Barcelona a few years back. It's a beautiful city. Cool that you could visit this time

We didn't found a direct flight from Lisbon to Pisa to return on Sunday, so we had to spend some hours in this beautiful city that I love so much :D

That first photo is such a strange combination of the commercial and the sacred.

I totally agree with you ;)

Beautiful shots, high buildings.

Barcelona is full of awesome buildings like these and yes, they are really high ^_^