Today, during our walking, I "captured" this detail on the bark of a tree. It's just some moss grown there, but in some way it's more than "just" moss.
Looking closer and using also your mind (not just the eyes), you can image many different worlds.
You have to focus just on the moss and on the bark.
You have to leave your imagination free to fly and so, for example, you can image that the green moss is a little hill on a land of rocks.
You can also think the moss is a big forest in a fantasy land, where some odd little people live.
Imagination has no barriers, fortunately ;)
Well, for me is time for the sofa and leave my body free to rest in relax ^_^
Night night to everyone
![silvia beneforti](
When you really stare for the moss you find that you see a forest full of trees
It's true ^_^
The moss is like a mini forest or a green mountain.
Or some kind of monster.
Anything is possible with imagination.
I agree: anything is possible using our imagination ;)
I appreciate the approach you took with this post. I think often times we don't use our imagination enough and life gets too serious. Good post!
I totally agree with you! Our imagination is really something special and we have to exercise it every time is possible ^_^