The camo geckos ^_^

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Today is the day of camouflage! 

In the natural holes of the trees in the Viale Arcadia, a street under the ancient walls of my city and close to my home, there are some beautiful (and fat ^_^) dark geckos. When it's a sunny day, we can see them to rest under the warm light of the sun and they are really beautiful!

In this hole there were 3 geckos, an entire family, but while I'm taking some pics the little one ran away ^_^

Aren't they nice? I really love this fascinating animals, they look like tiny dinosaurs and they rounded feet are really lovely!

Reading some informations abaot the geckos I discovered that some kind of species are parthenogenetic (it means that the females can have a little one without the "partecipation" of the male ^_^) . Curious! :D

See ya soon


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silvia beneforti


I'm trying to figure out where your city is, is it Pistoia?
These little guys sure make use of the camouflage don't they?

Yes, I live in Pistoia, a little city close to Florence ^_^ Here there are many of these little guys in these sunny days, some of them live in the trees and others along the wall in and out the houses, sometimes also inside my home, but they help me against the mosquitoes :P

ما هادا ....

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Indeed they do blend it. Thanks so much for sharing your discovery. @silviabeneforti

You're welcome, dear Troy ^_^

they are fine and unique reptiles. a good color blending

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

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