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in #photography9 years ago

Thanks for your comment! The Ferrari Italia was definitely one of my favorites, it was extremely fun to drive, but it was so noisy and flashy that it almost made me cringe already, you know that feeling ?!

Yes the Tesla can accelerate like crazy, it was amazing - you push the gas pedal just a little bit and the whole thing jumps forward! I especially enjoyed that you can't hear any sound, it's like you're gliding!

And about my dream car - that's a tough question.. I also like Lamborghini,I like Audi R8, but I also like classy elegant Limousines - really depends on the mood and on the occasion!


Cool. Yes I think even if I had the money the Ferrari would be too loud and flash for me. I also like the Audi R8 it has simple elegance to it that most supercars don't have, and being German you know it won't break down!

I love Lamborghinis too - particularly the fact that they are all 4WD now - makes a difference for putting the power down and safety in wet conditions (e.g. here in the UK).

I would buy the Tesla purely for the acceleration if I could - the lack of noise would be weird though.

I also love some of those old American cars from the 50s and 60s with super long length and fins etc. They look amazing.