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RE: Photography, and why I need to rediscover a lost passion

in #photography5 years ago

Is that ok to do here or is it expected / desired to have some accompanying text to go along with it?

If it's your content, don't worry about it. If it's not someone will pick it up sooner or later. You can't get 'paid' / rewarded for the work of others. There is a lot of plagiarism goes on and a corresponding lot of HIVER's looking out for it.

The place gets a bad name for this, but if it's all you work then you post with confidence. If it's somewhere else on the internet, then you may be asked to prove it's really you on the 'other account'.

When there's $$ involved, people do all kinds of things to get it.. including nicking other people's content.


Of course, sorry I should have clarified. It is / will be my original content, all photographed by me. The images I've put in this post have appeared at various places though (posted by me) as they're old. I[ll keep that in mind though, thanks.

I am most definitely against plagiarism. In context, my question was regarding posting my own photographs in a sort of "here's a photo I took" manner. I generally don't like to add text other than very minimal details as I like to see responses to the image itself. I guess another way to phrase my question is "do you like to see just an original image as an artistic statement or would you prefer to have additional text?".

No, you don't need to do any describing where or why you took it. There are no hard fixed rules, and if it's your stuff then don't worry about anything.

Good to know, thank you. Just didn't want to start off on the wrong foot so to speak.