The Coolest Cat EVER!!!

in #photography7 years ago

Coolest Cat.JPG

Em is the coolest cat ever!

We live in the country and Em is an american bobtail house pet. She used to venture outside with the other two cats we have, all the same breed.

One night Em was sitting on our front porch around midnight and I heard the craziest sound it was like somebody was trying to break into my house and all of a sudden the fight was on Em was making crazy cat screams. I immediately thought coyote, being we have them here.

So I ran for the front door and nothing was there, thinking the worst I yelled and clapped my hands still thinking a coyote! What I heard next was incredible. I heard Em and being it was midnight with the porch lights on but unable to see anything all I heard was a cat screaming, however the sound was in the air. I actually heard her making noise from a height of (guessing) 25 feet or twice as high as a telephone pole to the ground like a little cat bomb. It took about 20 minutes to find my precious cat. I didn't actually find her she came skulking from the bushes that encompass the property. Running for the bushes where I had seen her with help from the porch lights, she was bleeding from the neck. She had two puncture wounds, obviously from talons, to her neck. Needless to say it was an emergency run to the vet. She had been snatched off the front porch by a barn owl! I have seen these things at night. Where they fly over the road above your car and obviously the headlights. These creatures literally have a 6-8 foot wing span and make a dark night a lot darker.

Incredibly Em won that battle with a little noise from me!

This beautiful cat decided her outdoor privileges were gone she was now a house cat!

It was an incredible story of the circle of life and fortunately for my family and I the yell and hand claps made the owl drop her. I to this day would not think an owl would drop dinner once in flight they have nothing to fear. But it was our good fortune that this owl must of heard the noise and wanted to get more aerodynamic in order to get gone. I still can't believe the owl dropped her but it is the honest truth and the weirdest pet story I have.

So needless to say I believe she is the only cat to have taken to flight and survive landing gracefully and recover from the wounds.

I would love to see pictures of your pets and any stories you may have. (I am not a great story teller but I tried). So go ahead and send pictures and a story of your house pet.

I will follow all submitter's and give the best story/picture a prize don't forget to up vote (requirement for prize) and I will respond to every submission, follow you and on Sunday the 21st of January 2018 I will pick the winner. Being I love pets I may solicit your help in picking a winner unless there is one so obvious I think we would all agree! The only thing I would not want to hear is stories of end of life for a pet. Those are just to painful to hear.

Thanks for your time and please share, it would be very cool if we got submission from all over the world! So tell me your stories and include a picture if possible!

Wishing all of you and your pets the best.