
Yes, the waterlevel of lake Oldambt has to rise at least a meter, so this one will float again.

Relax; the melting of the icecaps will make this thing float again one day ...

Think here up North-East we will be amongst the first ones to enjoy it. If we did not have gotten swallowed by the earth first.

I understand what you mean. It's a disgrace that people living in that risk-area have to wait so long. That gas made the government a fortune all those years and what they have to spend to help those people out is just a fraction.

Absolutely, all those people can be helped right away, at relatively no cost. It is absurd and shamefull that it is being stalled the way it is.

How are things now? I just posted about the IJssel, water levels are far too low there as well.

Much water was pumped into the canals, so their level is quite high again. Have not been to lake Oldambt lately, do not know about that.

In the upcoming days there will be some more rain, hopefully the river levels get back to normal soon.

Um, where do they get the water to pump into the canals? Can we have some?

Lake IJssel and also Dollard (/ Waddensea?), I think. Most of it being unfit for rivers, I'm guess, because it is brackish water.

Yet some of it must go down South too, thanks to the ingenius Nederish canal system.