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RE: My new favorite way to do Thanksgiving turkey dinner with all the fixings!

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

The plate was just too full, and I had already cooked about 500 Turkey dinners for the homeless, by this point.

I like mashed potatoes from scratch, and I like to add about a third of the volume of Turnips; before I mash them. It is very Good, but enough of a pain I don't make it often....

I also like to steam them to avoid the sloppy mashed potatoes some people make. Much less loss of nutrients, with less water absorption. With real butter of course, LOL!



OK I have never had (to my knowledge) mashed potatoes with turnips in the mash. Enlighten me - what does it do to the taste and consistency?

Hard to describe, but it broadens the flavor, especially with salted Butter. I have a Nephew that will NOT eat mashed potatoes (there is one in every family, LOL), that pigs out on these, when I make them.

Straight Turnips are slightly bitter, by themselves; but in this mix, they aren't. Instead they kind of bring out the sweeter flavor of the potatoes. I like to add Milk to the mix too.

Kind of like using multiple kinds of beans for flavor in baked beans. We used to call them Calico beans....


I am sold :) I will try this out next time I make mashed potatoes!

I think you will enjoy it, I do! You might not even need gravy, try it both ways. Let me know what you think....
