Hey Steemies,
This post today is a very special one because the Shot that I will present to you today, is one of best photos I've ever made. I've been into photography for as long as I can remember and that's why I'm really proud about this shot. This shot represents everything I'm currently capable of in terms of photography and photo editing. I hope you like it and leave an upvote.
Hey Steemies,
Dieser Post ist etwas ganz besonderes für mich, weil das Foto was Ich euch heute präsentieren werde ist das beste das Ich je aufgenommne habe. Ich war schon immer an Fotografie interessiert und war schon von klein auf mit der Kamera unterwegs, deswegen bin Ich auch so Stolz auf dieses Bild. Diese Bild repräsentiert alles für was Ich Jahrelang gearbeitet habe. Ich hoffe euch gefällt es und lasst ein upvote da.
just epic :D
Oh wow, this is absolutely stunning!
click here!This post received a 3.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @soldrakon! For more information,
This surreal brotha
How can this be surreal when our world is not real! Just kiddin :)
Awesome image, loving the colours!
hey ! where was taken? I like the mountain over there. Keep doing your job, even if I still prefer more "natural" photo without a too strong editing.
But sure... that in the picture, in addition to being almost a painting, it must have been a magical moment to physically live.
I took the photo in Newzealand.
wow this is amezing !!
no daut the best photo!!
Thank you sir :)
You're welcome.
This picture looks very impressive :o Good job !!!
Yeah thank you :)
This is amazing, great work! I just followed you, because I really want to see more of your pictures!
Thank you for the follow.
This pic looks amazing ! It seems to be a dragon in the clouds ;)
Thank you :) thats the first time that I noticed that, but you are right
Beautiful! Where was this? I love backpacking and hiking places like that and have lots of posts with photos and suggestions!
This is in Newzealand.
wow das schaut ja echt sehr eindrucksvoll aus :) Hammer Stimmung ;)
hast du da viel Nachbearbeitet oder war das wirklich so farbintensiv?
Ich habe mal meinen Künstler raushänge lassen und seehr viel Nachbearbeitet.
Ah ok^^ Steckt auf jeden Fall ein guter Künstler in dir ;)
Woooo such an awesome picture! It was so rich in color and the contrast it bring makes me feel so amazed. You picture did inspire me and give me l ideas on how to progress further.
This may be the best photo you have ever taken...so ar. I believe you could make more masterpieces in the fututre. Cheer man ! Thanks for your sharing!
Thank you for the heads up.
Thats breathtaking. Can't wait to see more of your work.
Thank you, I will not let you down :)
A once in a lifetime photograph .. beautiful
Yep I don't think that I will accomplish anything quite like that ever again.
Sieht ganz schön surreal aus :-D
Ja das war meine Absicht dahinter, also nehme Ich das mal als kompliment :)
I want to tell you you are genius my friend I vote you
Thank you for your kind words.
wow. hier muss ich mal reingraetschen und voten ;) unfassbares bild !
Danke für den resteem - made my day :)
das hast dir mit dem bild aber auch verdient. der reward sollte gute werden ;)
beautiful photo
Das Foto ist echt klasse!
WOW, that looks super magical!!
It is unbelievable, I love it dont even know how to use my phone camera lol
Well done, very nice.....camera and lense ?
This is a beautiful shot! Well done :)
Beautiful! I just love the colors :)
Well done! That's worth an upvote ;)
wow ..thats really nice
Very nice, beautiful colors
Its an amazing photo!
thank you for good posting.
no seriously amziing picture have you do some tools or its with out any filter you just open the lens and set up small or long , damn huge
if you have any about thailand i be glad to see other i reeestem
a m a z i n g!! following you now :)