Who knows buddy... My hobby is an ancient history, so even now listening a programm about many unexlpored Pyramides. Some of them might have been built lets say 12-15 thousands years ago, so now look like bunch of stones. Few years ago were discovered few Pyramides in Bosnia, that predates Egyptian pyramides. They look exactly the same way like on the first pic.
Yeap, hehe, there are many things we dont know, but as we are getting more and more advanced as a human civilization, we will uncover various things that will definately change our knowlidges about the human history.
It is said that we are not the first humanity, there have been more before us, like Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu etc.
Who knows buddy... My hobby is an ancient history, so even now listening a programm about many unexlpored Pyramides. Some of them might have been built lets say 12-15 thousands years ago, so now look like bunch of stones. Few years ago were discovered few Pyramides in Bosnia, that predates Egyptian pyramides. They look exactly the same way like on the first pic.
Posted using Partiko Android
This is extraordinary!! I think that the pyramids were built by aliens. 😱😱😱
Of course by Aliens, the mythology and all ancient books say about that. Time will show, now we are on a path of big discoveries.
Posted using Partiko Android
On the doors of a worlds war! I'm excited!
Yeap, hehe, there are many things we dont know, but as we are getting more and more advanced as a human civilization, we will uncover various things that will definately change our knowlidges about the human history.
It is said that we are not the first humanity, there have been more before us, like Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu etc.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes they were for sure! And each civilization has left behind many valuable information which considering now as a myth!!
I've been watching many movies about s.f and aliens the thing that made me expecting anything lol
Woow, that is amazing to hear. I got curious about that 10 years ago watching US series Ancient Aliens. Highly recommendable to anyone.
Posted using Partiko Android
Can you recommend any movie?
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