[Slice of HOME] Seeing 'what is'

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

I lift my (iPhone) camera, finding the right perspective.

"What do you see right now?", my boyfriend asks.

I do and don't understand his question at the same time. I know I 'see' things others don't. On the other hand, he can look on my screen, so how is it still unclear what I am taking a picture of?

"I see the round bulbs of light inside our tram creating a lovely decorative line above the roofs of the houses and a second one over the houses themselves", I reply.

"Ah, so you see what is", he comments.

I hear myself thinking 'yeah, because what else is there'. But now I understand he meant he looks 'through' such (obvious) details like light reflections. He only saw the houses and their roof tops.

He needed me to see what is.
I needed him to see what I see.


Do you remember a recent moment or picture where you saw something others didn't?


All photography on steemit.com/@soyrosa is created and edited by me, Rosanne Dubbeld, 2005-2018. Contact me if you want to discuss licensing or collaborations on creative projects :-)


this is so cool. I love how you explained that x

The way you capture what you see is really super cool!

What a question you ask. Is there ever a moment in my life when anybody sees it my way!? And I'm not even talking Jesus on toast (thinking of that famous slice of bread). Only today I was seeing trees who were either listening to every single whisper or ready to shout and scream and gobble you up (mouths or ears?)!

And then this one made me think long and hard: my hand on the book, only the picture not really covered: our shadow selves may point but never touch. Shadows leave no prints. Your lamps left their light on transparent panes.... you speak of " what is" for me " just an illusion" springs to mind now.

Amazing additions to my post @sukhasanasister! I love the eary mouth, or mouthy ears, they could be both at the same time, but what a weird experience it would be to talk in your own ears :D

An illusion, yes, and what a disillusion too, to want to make a picture of a book and only are able to see your own shadow....

I love this! The row of lights is what first caught my eye, and your explanation of seeing what others don't really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing!

i think reflections and patterns are something that people miss as they know it is nice but they just don't notice it.

We all see differently. The fact that he asked, and wanted to know, is pretty amazing. ((hugs))

This is beautiful, thank you for sharing what you see! I often see colors, more than the thing itself.

'...saw something others didn't?' ...Mmm.. nope. I'm not an indigo, and don't want to be one. :D

And exactly there you see the difference between creative people and non creative people.

He is makes the effort though and that is actually very sweet and cool!
Keep him!!

I WILL! (Whoa, signed on the blockchain! Lol!)

In general when I go in public transport or walking along the street this type of moments happen to me, where one sees what is not. I was charmed with it @soyrosa

Yes, I knew you would understand! <3

I like it, you have an interesting eye

Thanks a lot @hectgranate! :-)

Love how you explained this...what a beautiful way to capture the work/life of being an artist!

if everyone saw what you saw, everyone could be a photographer :)
perfect photo. usual

Haha, you are absolutely right @artizm! :D I'm glad not everyone sees what we see ;-)

Oh, this is so sweet! It feels innocent to me somehow, very fresh. I love those times when I am open enough to see the festivity of things :)