Today's the day we get rid of it!
So first we skin it, and sell the hide at the local market. By sell I mean crumple up and dump. By market I mean a large bin outside the house that magically gets emptied at the wave of a phone. Clear as mud?
And then naturally we build a wall.
We're builders, we build things even when we're un-building things.
Whats that?! Behind you, excuse me, pardon me...
Ah, it's our structural strips of plywood. They aren't in the code and us common rabble aren't allowed to judge when, where or how to use them. That privilege is reserved for the almighty engineers.
Fun fact: Everything it takes to build a house is in the code. It doesn't get in there without some fantastically paid number cruncher putting their stamp of "good enough" on it. So why can't we spec' LVL's ourselves using a code?
Bureaucracy. Plain ol' frustrating bureaucracy. There could be other, better reasons but I choose to not look into it because...well because.
I swear I'm not bitter about that at all.
Et voilà !

We have successfully installed the beam in order to eliminate that sassy wall. My goal for the day has been accomplished and I may now declare it a good day. We can now safely remove that temporary wall we built earlier, but not a moment before we properly attach the ceiling joists to the shiny new beam.
And now I leave you with a bonus picture, because photography!
The walls may be gone, but their power remains.
-Me. Just now. Deep eh?
That does it for tonight folks, thank you so much for stopping by my little spot on the rock, I hope you enjoyed your stay.
Why don'tcha toss some change in my jar there and pass word of my shenanigans to some friends. And keep an eye on this little spot, things will keep happening here. And I can't even guess what the next thing might be!
Well, I can, but you might not be able to and that's the fun, right?
You look like you are having tons O fun.