Hey folks, I took this photo today (7/28) while I was at a park with my kids. This pair of attached bumblebees flew past my face and landed in the grass so I decided to take a picture of them. I took a couple photos but I didn't want to bother them too much; I think this is the best one I took. The differences of anatomy between the drone and prospective queen are interesting and I was quite happy this photo is in focus. I was also excited to see these two (as well as the lots of other bees I saw out and about today) because it means that the local plant life is healthy and plentiful. I hope you enjoyed the photo and found these two as interesting as I did. Thanks for reading!
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nice @ahlawat
nice post
followed and upvoted please upvote me too.
I know you my friend, and you are awesome, i know that. !! @ronaldmcatee