...and no pigeons in this post!
It has been a strange weekend with the weather changing every few hours. We had a change of routine yesterday as I was up late; I'd not slept too well last week for some reason but had a corker of a night Friday night. So, instead of meeting Lola's friends we walked our beach circuit. It was pretty much deserted as you can see.
We had been walking this route daily but got out of the routine when Lola made a new friend who we tend to meet. Maybe it's time to meet her friend and then head out on the beach circuit as my step count has been well down.
I've seen so many more of the Sea Gooseberries this year. They're a odd ball like jelly fish thing and where I'd usually see the odd one or two on a walk, I've been seeing dozens if not hundreds on the beach.
You can tell we've been in lockdown and there haven't been any visitors to the area as both the beach and the sea have mostly been beautifully clean. We have posters locally saying "leave nothing behind but footsteps", I make sure I follow this rule.
The final stretch before getting home, we walk through the park under the shadow of Caister water tower. The tower is 49 meters high, can hold 3 million litres of water and was opened in 1932. The tower was camouflaged in coloured paints during the second world war.
So the previous photographs were taken yesterday morning with the light from the east. The following images were taken this evening with the sun in the west. When walking it felt very different but I'm not too sure it shows in the photographs. I though the algae on the rocks was far more colourful.
Can you spot the Lola? She'd usually be halfway up the beach rolling in something smelly. She hasn't been herself today and wonder too far.
The real difference was looking at the sun setting over the dunes as opposed to rising over the sea.
I"ve been walking past this chunk of odd wall for the past 3 years and it has only just hit me what it is. It's a WW2 pillbox and for the first time I saw the bricked up doorway and loopholes. It's located on the edge of the local catholic cemetery at the bottom of somebody's garden.
All of these photos were taken on an old iPhone 8 and tweaked in Lightroom on the very same phone.
Beautiful photographs, so nice to see from landlocked Leicester.
I made the stuffed tomatoes dish this weekend (finally), very tasty but I'm going to throw in a little pecorino or similar net time. I tried baking with raw rice, I was a bit dubious but it worked perfectly. You have to have the top on the tomatoes or whichever vegetable you are using, and fill to about three-quarters.
I've never tried with raw rice so will have to give it a go. I've a spare aubergine in the fridge so might be a dish for the next few days. A good change to trim back my mint and parsley which are going bonkers right now.
Yes, this is all very nice, but where is Peanut? I thought it was like a where's Wally, but I can't see him anywhere.
Peanut was last seen sat on the fence with Parent Pigeon yesterday morning. It seem's Peanut has left home.
Looks like a slice of paradise. Is it generally pretty quiet around there?
It's a bit of a mix really. It can get busy during the school holidays as the village has 5 (I think) holiday parks. Two of the smaller parks are mostly privately owned retreats as opposed to holiday lets.
Very quiet at the minute though as there aren't any visitors.