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RE: Photography, and why I need to rediscover a lost passion

in #photography5 years ago

Some cracking photos there! I especially like the black and white images - that's my kinda thing.

I've also had experience of anxiety and generally dislike being around strangers. Street photography has always appealed but I've never been brave enough to give it a go.


Thank you! I generally much prefer black and white too, although I dabble in colour I'm more at home with mono.

You should give street stuff a go at some point, it's honestly not as nerve wracking as you might think. Maybe try it first with a camera smaller than a DSLR, people tend to notice you less with a smaller camera (I love my Fuji X100 for that).

I have a mirrorless jobby which is a little more compact so maybe I'll give that a go. I'll have to take the kids with me for protection!

Kids as unpaid bodyguards - sounds reasonable enough to me! 😄