Celebration of the new year has come, people have started thronged various roads in the Medan city, hustle on the street make us know that the year will soon change, and people already enliven it with a variety of activities and fun. I am residing in a car, trying to take a photo of hustle for the new year, but for some reason that I did not know, suddenly my camera shake, and I get a result like this photo.
May seem strange, it is much like painting a beautiful light. The real situation is, children who were on a motorcycle was holding fireworks, and some of the lights / appliances on. A kind of LED lights are made to twinkle.
yES it's very strange :)
That's a really cool shot being it was not suspected at all.
Thank you @smysullivan, as we can still imagine what was happening in that street.
The magic of light painting!