 7 years ago (edited) 

Actually this group is a faucet delegations farming operation with 100s of accounts.

For you to get us to reward your comment you will need to use one of the categories here

'bid bot abuse', 'bid bot misuse', 'collusive voting', 'comment self-vote violation', 'comment spam', 'copy/paste', 'death threats', 'failure to tag nsfw', 'identity theft', 'manipulation', 'phishing', 'plagiarism', 'post farming', 'scam', 'spam', 'tag abuse', 'tag misuse', 'testing for rewards', 'threat', 'vote abuse', 'vote farming'

These are the only types of abuse the bot will recognize.
Thank You @steevc for your awesome work and support for our platform! You are an awesome steemian.

I'm not worried about the rewards. Let others get more.