As I was cycling through the wonderful and terrible town of London U.K. I could not help but see very strange trails in the sky.
People were just going along their merry way not really noticing.
Look at these things!!
What the...!! Is it just me or is this a bit strange?
What's your opinion? Please comment!
Oh, and is it just me or does everyone in London seem to be sneezing?! Including me!
I'd wager those are aircraft's trails. Nothing serious.
Hmmmm...I'd beg to differ...
Indeed these are contrails left by airline jets. They are basically trails of water vapor that will eventually disappear.
they are vapor trails left by passing aircraft. Because you have multiple large international airports around London, you have a lot of aircraft using that airspace. so on a calm clear day you will see a lot of vapor trails.
they are just water, so no problem.
I grew up next to a military airbase and I've been seeing these sorts of vapor trails since I was old enough to look out the window.
The conspiracy theorists would have you believe that these are chemicals released from the planes as they fly overhead in order to infect the local population.
If you have any concerns about this, please have a chat to a top dressing pilot. Once he stops laughing himself to death, he will explain why this idea is so impossible no rational person would give it a moment's thought.
To give you a little insight - a good top dressing pilot spraying fertilizer or insecticide on a field, will fly as low as possible and only in dead calm weather because otherwise most of the payload will drift on a slightest breeze and not land on target.
The contrails you are seeing are at around 40,000 feet up in the air. At the standard rate of dispersal and taking into account air moment even on a still day (remember it can be calm at ground level but windy higher up and vise versa), any chemicals being dropped over London will probably land in Russia! And they will be so diluted that they would have absolutely no affect on anything.
So don't worry about them. Just enjoy having a sunny day. :-)
I have been living here in London all my life and this is definitely an increasing phenomenon. Also, I am wary of people who mock "conspiracies". To me that just adds weight to the matter.
Those lines are straight, must mean flat earth...