jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati apa yang akan saya tampilkan di postingan blog saya @ sultan-aceh
do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy what I will show in my blog post @ sultan-aceh
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.
You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :
Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )
Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 )
Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )
Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )
Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )
Gambar 7 ( Figure 7 )
Gambar 8 ( Figure 8 )
Gambar 9 ( Figure 9 )
Gambar 10 ( Figure 10 )
Gambar 11 ( Figure 11 )
Gambar 12 ( Figure 12 )
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh
Hello @sultan-aceh, how are you my friend? Regards to @xpilar :)
yes @asbonclz We're okay @asbonclz as usual, we are busy taking care of business outside of steemit @asbonclz
Postingan bg @sultan-aceh sungguh luar biasa, mohon bimbingannya agar postingan saya juga menjadi lebih baik kedepannya, terima kasih.
senang mendengarnya @iban-kjp
nice post is so harmful when it touch in skin because when touch in skin...that place is frient and buttet ...
thanks @sultan-aceh
thank very much @mobaraksunny
Jika bisa, Bagaimana caranya?Bang jika video yang belum di upload di youtube bisa dimasukkan kr #steemit?
gak ada cara ... tetap upload youtube
atau Dtube ok
Oke terima kasih informasinya bang @sultan-aceh
Mantap fotonya bang bikin hidup jadi lebih hidup dengan segala fotonya.
terima kasih @wadynoer
Steem on!@sultan-aceh you are very good artest . I impresed your great work you are really good capture . Your all picture i like and appreciate. Good work take care and stay blessed.
thank very much @syedkashifhussai
Pretty cool photography @sultan-aceh
thank very much
not too short will be considered SPAM
Longer comment is betterHi @akandadelwar
Regards @sultan-aceh
Mantap bang @sultan-aceh, binatang yang sangat unik,
terima kasih @iqbalrampago
Sama-sama bang @sultan-aceh
excellent photography.
jangan terlalu pendek akan dianggap SPAM
Komentar yang lebih panjang lebih baikHai @salma-akanda
Salam @ sultan-aceh
Langka dan menakjubkan thank bg @sultan-aceh sangat terhibur
terima kasih @pianalfian24
While beauty indeed..
Seem so soft and delicate...
thank so much @xabi
Keren bg fotonya, saya sangat tertarik foto yang abg ambi, semoga sukses:-) @sultan-aceh
terima kasih @murdanialthaf
Sama sama
wonderful insects @sultan-aceh
Photography is very cool that I like to post you friend
thank so much @fikar22
Yes, I will always be present in your posts pal
Sangat indah bg
terima kasih banyak
jangan terlalu, pendek nanti akan dianggap SPAM
Lebih panjang komentar lebih bagushai @ilhamnur80
salam @sultan-aceh
interesting videos and beautiful pictures, beautiful pictures with beautiful background, thanks for sharing @sultan-aceh
thank very much @eder.mrd
overall very good, I am very impressed with this blog,
Thanks for sharing.
thank so much @abusyik72
Very prety ulatnya.. Tapiii... Ihhh.. Gatel..
terima kasih @halidabahri
Perpaduan warna yg indah sangat menarik utk dilihat.all the best
this video is a wondarful..
and very beautifu animals...
i love animals..
so i love your post..