Maya is very very beautiful!
Herr color is black but her nature is bright
She knows how to bring light
into your day
in every way!
Life has taught me a lot, especially in the last couple of years and I want to use all I have to help others reach their full potenzial. I just need a little to really get startet. So I am fundraising. All that send me SBD will get there own personal poem. Are you on bord? Do you want your own poem?Today I bring you a poem with a greeting from my second account I am on a personal quest to write 1000 poems and ask 1000 steemians for 1 SBD. This is my fundraiser to get my own business going. I started to work as a coach and I want to make coach people with disabilities at a more reasonable price. As you might know I have celebral palsy myself and I really want to show the world and also myself that I can still make it!
Eine tolle Idee! Wir senden dir morgen dem Steemdollar :)