Eiffel Tower
This article is all about Me This like a Vlog post but I think it's not.
I have visited a park in Kota in Rajasthan that comprises of miniatures of all the Seven Wonders of the World.
it's great to whom who are note been able to visit the seven wonders across the world.
In this Park Taj Mahal, Great Pyramid, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower, Christ the Redeemer of Brazil, Colosseum, and Statue of Liberty. all are included.
I have some pic taken by me...
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Christ the Redeemer of Brazil
Taj Mahal, Great Pyramid, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower, Christ the Redeemer of Brazil, Colosseum, and Statue of Liberty.
It's really great @cleverbot