Who ever said not to eat just because of not using rice? If so, then you are in Indonesia, the third largest rice-eating country in the world. Approximately, why yes, we are really fond of eating rice?
In Indonesia, the rice of many of his fans due to various factors ranging from relatively easy nanamnya, cheap price, taste good, and supported government programs. But, despite its many pluses, eating rice actually has its minus too. You see, rice has a high glycemic index.
That is, the carbohydrate content of rice cepet really processed the body so blood sugar and produce a very large energy supply. If not immediately burned, this energy is easily stored so fat reserves. In addition, excess blood sugar will increase the risk of diabetes.
But Indonesians have been eating rice for centuries. Why did not people get diabetes first? Compared to people today, our ancestors move more. In addition, they apparently also eat staple foods that vary kok, not just rice doang.
In fact, there are many choices of staple food that Indonesians can eat. In certain areas, emang rice can flourish. But in other areas, which can flourish instead of other carbohydrate sources. No wonder, until now, staple food in Indonesia is actually very macem-macem. Nutrition and delicious also not lose the same rice.
So, ngefans heavy rice is not wrong anyway, but, no harm right, nyobain the other?
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