Over the last however many years, the term 'toxic person' has come into the vernacular and has become extremely over used. In my opinion, people seem to think someone is toxic whenever the person doesn't support them in their views, or makes them feel bad in any way, shape or form. In my opinion, the toxic person is the one who is unable to deal with anything negative without it affect their behavior.
I actually don't mind many of the people that others may consider toxic as often, the toxic person is often not at all and rather just unfiltered and even thought I don't think it is necessarily a good approach to life, I would rather deal with an unfiltered mind than one that hides true intention behind a veil of civility. There are many more of them and rather than being poisonous, they are corrosive to what they touch, and grind and undermine situations to either get their way or destroy what they cannot have.
I find that it is the corrosive that are the biggest threat to a prosperous future here, as whilst their helpful facade faces into the community, the backdoor is doing all it can to extract value and damage those who stand in their way. In my quite significant life experience, it is these who will tear down the castles, the decay from within, not the attacks from beyond the walls.
And too often, they are supported in their behaviors, often directly but also indirectly through blind eyes and inaction. It is common that the dirty work is left to a few and it is they who will take the brunt of the fallout force and it is they who will be accused of toxicity. It is strange how so often those who are doing all they can to improve a situation are the ones offered up for crucifixion. Only when they are gone do we realize the protective roll they played as without them, the stability and potential dissolves away.
How far can the degradation go before things stop working, the roof no longer holds out the rain, the floorboards no longer the weight of those that step upon them? This is the problem when so many turn blind eyes to the corrosive actions whilst saying they too want to have the benefits of the future. Excuse after excuse for taking the short-view but wanting the benefits of the long.
What do you call people who are so inconsistent in their behaviors, cause harm whilst simultaneously claiming to be victimised, throw their hands up at the actions of others while performing poorly themselves; critical, jealous, envious, entitled? Oh, that's right, Toxic.
Seems the toxic and the corrosive walk hand in hand, despising each other while they support themselves.
[ a Steemit original ]
Yea, damn right ...TOXIC
I hate having people like that around me. The World see people who always stand for the truth as toxic. They see people who can't stand and see evio done as toxic. They see people who stand out when the rest choose to do the wrong things as toxic. Virtually anything that does not conlmform to the standard of the world is called toxic, whereas the real toxic people walk around everyday like Wolves In sheep's clothings....PATHETIC!
This is why a mindset that is very common of "don't stand out or do more then is expected" has taken hold of so many. They do what they can to get by, but don't want to "rock the boat" in any way as it puts them in the spotlight.
The "do just enough" mentality crushes creativity and productivity.
and potential and chances at happiness.
There are toxic and corrosive people everywhere and then there are those with the special privilege of being both.
It is quite disheartening to see people deliberately set out to make things difficult for people around them; not just because of financial gain but also for the pleasure of it.
Human beings love power. The feeling of being able to stand over a cringing man feels, for some, as sweet as a hunter standing over a dying doe. This pleasure of the kill is what pushes and pulls toxic people about their business.
Those who cause pain and hurt for financial reward, to me, are better than those who do it for pleasure. For the first, remove the financial reward and they will disappear but the second do not care.
But on the other hand, if the effects of toxic people cause you a business deal is it not as hurtful as if it cost you your marriage?
The world is a place full with varieties of personalities and people with different shades of personalities open and hidden to the public. We can never truly know a man, we can only judge them by their actions. So if the effect of a man's actions are negative, no matter how good the intentions behind the actions were, it is enough cause to be wary. Othello didn't see the toxicity that was Iago. He thought Iago loves him and wanted him to be happy. The effect of Iago's manipulation was the death of his love, Desdemona by his hands. But again, by the time the effect of a poison starts to show, is it not mostly too late?
The best way most people fight toxicity is to stay out of its way. This, they do because of fear. Will he or she calmly withdraw or will he or she attack with something worse? This fear is why most people turn away when they see things going wrong. As long as they are not at the receiving end, they are in their rooms thanking God.
What about toxic friendships? Where everyone sees that your friend is doing you more harm than good but you don't see this. Sometimes irreparable damage is done, before one realizes that he or she had been had.
Toxic and corrosive people are like decay and dirt. We don't like them but they are everywhere and no matter how much we try to avoid them, we find ourselves within their sphere of influence everytime. We can either be strong and stand up to them and hope that we have enough ammunition and armour to withstand their barrage or we flee them.
I mostly cut off toxic relationships. In fact, I have changed locations just to be away from people whose words and actions do not go well with me. Is my solution foolproof? No. What about the internet troll? The office boss or colleague, the neighbour, etc. What do I do about them? Will keep running away from confronting the issues in front of me or will speak up and damn the consequences?
I think I have weaved about my thoughts like a drunken boxer enough. Let me go back to sleep. I will probably have a better commentary on your post @tarazkp when I wake up. You have given me much to think on. Peace
I rarely turn away in the real world as I figure, I can take the abuse with relative ease. Can their next target?
Truth there. The fact that you rarely turn away speaks of your strength. Not everyone can act from a position of strength, sometimes in the real world, we bid our time and wait for a sign of weakness or for support from those who are stronger before we stand up.
I have stood up for someone once and while his oppressor bullied and intimidated me for standing up, he stood aside and watched. He did nothing. I came because I thought both of us could do better against the guy, but he left me to battle alone. Even a friend that came with me, stood aside and watched.
I will not pretend to be a hero when I am not. I speak up when I believe that my speaking up will achieve something. If I feel I am not good enough, I call attention to it, I bring those with the power to attack such toxic behaviour.
This also leaves a question in my mind. If we abandon "toxic" people for convenience, aren't we liable as well for it.
I agree that the word "toxic" has been misused and overused. But I think it also became an excuse to not reach out. It's easier to walk away, and in the process we lose apathy.
There is a right amount of "toxicity" which merits it to be called as such. I just hope people open and reach out more.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
This is kind of amusing (in the sad ironic way) when the person who thinks other people are toxic for aforementioned reasons is the kind of person who subscribes to the kind of "positivity" that involves determinedly ignoring/dismissing "negative" situations/feelings instead of accepting/acknowledging them and finding "positive"/"productive" ways to deal with them.
They are occasionally interesting to observe though (from a very long way away).
I have a bad habit of getting to close and poking them.
Were you the kind of kid that would stir up bull ant nests to see what would happen...at least every other day? XD
No, I would watch the ants move around, place sticks on their path to confuse them and generally observe. Then I would test what I learned on people. ;)
Your writing skill is so good.This post is motivated me.Your photographic skill also so good.Go ahead.
@resteem & follow done.
Great article
I agree with you, some people when they talk to someone else
They do not agree with them
And negative
There are also those who call this term
A person with envy and hatred
I loved what I read.
What really stood out to me though were your photographs. They are so smooth looking. Would you be interested in doing a collaboration artpiece? If so just email me and we can discuss the possibilities :
Yes, that's why I always spend it with people who are not toxic! Do not damage my environment and put me in a bad mood for how bad they are. That is why you have to choose the amitades very well. regards
i hate having people like this kind inn my life, thank you for your post, and thank you for these amazing photos, what attract me most is the reflection of light on water looks amazing. have a great time
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Super generous @goldmatters! Trying to see what I can come up with.
Interesting reflexion. Completely agree "Seems the toxic and the corrosive walk hand in hand, despising each other while they support themselves."