My Kind of deer shooting with a camera, and I think the shots came out real well I have read unless you have great light you really need a tripod or monopod
Thanks for sharing these shots and your thoughts on the lens :)
My Kind of deer shooting with a camera, and I think the shots came out real well I have read unless you have great light you really need a tripod or monopod
Thanks for sharing these shots and your thoughts on the lens :)
Good morning and thank you so much JJ :)
You know, it is always a pleasure for me to share my photos here, and occasionaly get some nice comments ;)
As far as I can tell, the light was pretty good, but I did not have a chance to take a more stable position because of the grass, and most of all, I did not have much time to change anything on the camera settings because of course the deer immediately noticed that something is wrong.
Deers can be so aware of what is going on around them fir sure
I hope you get more chances to play with the lens and see what you think of it
I even think, I'll keep it, because it's so much fun, and this weight will make me stronger - I can already feel my muscles are growing.
Maybe I'll also get a sixpack - I need only five, because I have already an onepack :)))
LOL I don’t have a 6 pack I have a keg, mind you I have done well slowly loosing weight so its a smaller keg now
That lens would sure help to buildup your muscles
I had to let google translate "keg" - never heard before, but now I know it :)
There is a saying, but I don't know by whom:
Ein Mann ohne Bauch ist wie ein Himmel ohne Sterne
A man without a belly is like a sky without stars
Sorry about that, as you now know it means I have a round belly, even though Its ot as rounds as it was it still has a way to go
I do like that saying i will have to remember it
Yes, now I know everything :) lol
I think, that saying comes from Arabia and it is correct with "woman" instead of "man", but you can hear it quite often the way I wrote it ;)