Sounds like the makings of a good weekend enjoying the little things in life, sometimes with today's busy society its hard to do but I think essential to slow down sometimes and enjoy the little things
Very nice photo of the flower
Sounds like the makings of a good weekend enjoying the little things in life, sometimes with today's busy society its hard to do but I think essential to slow down sometimes and enjoy the little things
Very nice photo of the flower
Yes, I have begun taking my weekends back again. After starting your own business you tend to lose yourself in work. Time off is essential! For everyone. Otherwise we burn out and turn into mindless society zombies.
Yes took me s long time to learn that but this last few years I make time for relaxing for years I had no idea what that meant lol
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Days off allow the brain to process everything that has happened and to prepare for the next week. I also find that I am more creative and effective when I work now.