
Thank you so much JJ, but I wished I had my macro lens with me, because the web was full of water drops, which you cannot see very good on the photo.
I also hope, that today's weather will be good enough to go for a photo walk - for both of us :)

Maybe next time you see a web you will have you macro with you that would make for such a cool shot

This lens is quite heavy. This is, why I don't take it with me all the time, but I think, when I go for a walk in the morning next time, I will take it with me :)))

My macro is also heavy so I don’t always carry it with me either

😆 and I need a bigger backpack too, that I can carry these big lenses I have, since I've switched to the EOS R.
I know, the best lens is the one, that you have with you, but what should I do, when I see the next web and I have the telephoto lens only?
I go for a walk now, and maybe I'll get wet 🙃☂️

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ITs always a challenge knowing what lenses to take, Today I wasn’t really expecting a walk so i Just had my walk around lense but it was only lightly raining so I went for walk and would have bene great if I had a winder lenses with me but Ohh well what will be will be

That's true, and always when I think, I take only the 24-105mm lens with me I see something further away or a bird, for which I would need the telephoto lens ... ;)